To understand this read my last post. 
So. about him. We got new seats in our classes and know I have to sit right by him in two classes! So we were having a discussion before class about m's and n's and how can me and my friend possibly confuse them. I was getting laughed at and made fun of by the few people in there and then HE walks in. He asks whats going on and they tell him that I got my M's & N's confused. Not that me AND my friend got them confused. Just that I got them confused. And so, smirking and laughing at me (meanly) HE says; "I didn't know you got your M's and N's confused!" Then kept on laughing (cruelly) as HE sat down. I bit back my comment that would have started a really bad banter had I said it. Wanna know what it was? I almost said back to HIM; "That's because you DON'T know me." But instead I said to the little audience, "How can you NOT get them confused?" I averted that disaster but fear HE is going to make those kind of comments a lot now. Why can't HE just LET it GO?