Vegetarians are Saving Meat-Eaters Butts!

October 19, 2011
I think the title explains the point. Think about it. A LOT of people are either omnivores or vegetarians. Most peoples reasons for that is because the animals (like chickens and pigs) are crowded really closely into a tiny little pen. They literally walk in each others poo and pee. Some consider it animal cruelty, or don't like that idea of slaughter houses, and either become vegetarians or make sure their chicken, pork/pig, beef and other such things aren't penned like that. Some packages say that, and use an official term that i don't know. Omnivores.. they are like vegetarians, but a lot more confusing. They don't eat any kind of meat (eggs, chicken, pork, beef, shellfish, seafood, etc) along with other thing like french fries. If you really want to become an omnivore, go learn the guidelines online, because I don't know them. SO, getting back on track, vegetarians don't eat meat, and there are a lot more vegetarians out there then you think. I know some 'vegetarians' who aren't vegetarians on certain lunch days. Anyways, the more people who become vegetarians (even temporarily), the more meat there is to feed people in poor countries like Ethiopia, or to feed other people in general. That way, we don't run out of meat. We were running out of meat because the more people that are on the Earth, the more room they take up, the less room there is for farming and places for cows and such to run free before getting slaughtered. Oh hey, I just thought of another reason people become Vegetarians. They don't like the thought that meat comes from disgusting looking cows, chickens, and pigs... So when I heard that scientists believe there will be 7 MILLION people living on earth by the end of this month (October) , I decided that I will become a vegetarian once a month every year. My friend is joining me on this little project. We are starting tomorrow and going until thanksgiving! Please join us, it's not for very long and you can help the earth! Wish me luck!

Hello and Welcome!

October 19, 2011
Hello and welcome to the brand new Saving Earth page. Yes, it's in blog, but only because I felt that would be easier. I know i'm kind of jump starting into this, but I'll put blog entries of what you can do, what I'm currently doing, what people around the world are doing, little          facts or upcoming things, so keep checking up! Saving the Earth is a big deal! If you don't understand WHY, then keep reading what I write on this page!
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The Saving Earth Project

I want to save the earth, a single person can't do that, please, help me. Help yourself. Help your grandchildren. Help future generations. Follow the Go-Green project with nickelodeon, Get up and play (again with nickelodeon) and so many other Greening/Saving the Earth projects!

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